The State Attorney’s Office recently hosted its Youth Mock Trial Program. Nine High School students thinking about pursuing careers as attorneys or law enforcement attended our week-long program to learn more about our court system and try some mock cases in a courtroom. In addition to being mentored by a handful of our prosecutors throughout the week, the students spoke to Judge Yancey about a judge’s role in a courtroom, they went on a tour of the holding cells and tunnel with a PCSO Lt. Wiegert, and collected and processed evidence at a mock crime scene put on by Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Deputy Pautz.
All of their training led up to a mock trial at the end of the week. Students were given case facts and evidence and formulated their own openings and closings, along with witness examinations. Not only was the week an excellent opportunity for the students to get a first-hand look at how our office functions, it helped a few students confirm that a career as a prosecutor was exactly what they wanted to do with their lives.
We are delighted to have such a positive outcome and look forward to hosting another successful program next year.