JURY VERDICT: Broxterman convicted of faking PhD
After about an hour of deliberation, David Broxterman, 57, was found guilty of scheme to defraud by a jury on Jan. 19.
Broxterman, of Lakeland, lied about having a PhD in organizational management from the University of South Florida when he applied for a job as a professor at Polk State College in 2008. He was selected for the position and was paid $258,760 by Polk State for classes he taught from 2009 to 2014.
He claimed he worked with an engineering professor at USF in order to obtain his PhD, adding that he paid $5,000 to cover the cost of the PhD program. Broxterman also said he worked with the same professor to defend his dissertation.
But Assistant State Attorney Michael Hrdlicka rebutted that, saying there was no receipt for the PhD program and they cannot confirm it with the professor who sat on Broxterman’s dissertation panel because he died. Broxterman could not remember the names of the other professors on the panel.
When investigators from the State Attorney’s Office requested a copy of Broxterman’s dissertation, he said it used to be in his office but has gone “missing.”
On Broxterman’s diploma, Hrdlicka said, the word “board” is spelled “baord.” It also lists the President of USF as “Judy C. Genshaft” – her correct middle initial is “L.”
Broxterman faces up to 30 years in prison. He will be sentenced by Judge Yancey March 16.